A Tour of qLabs’ NYC Coworking Space
Quotidian Ventures, a NYC-based technology firm that seed-invests in promising startups, recently decided to redesign its own coworking space called: qLabs.
“With a dark and moody vibe, navies and shades of black dominate the space. Large seemingly worn leather sofas sit on antiqued rugs. Phone booths are covered in a wallpaper that is cleverly printed with a pattern that looks exactly like distressed tin… as if you’re stepping into a shady New York speakeasy. (Hey, startup work is all about taking risks.) And further feeding into that old school vibe, a giant mural of “the traitorous eight”, drawn only with chalk by a friend of Pedro, Casey John. Decidedly modern and in stark contrast to that “old New York” feel, they put together a feature wall with pieces of wearable tech. Old meets new, and it’s definitely beyond quotidian”, says Homepolish
- Location: Flatiron District – New York City, New York
- Date completed: 2016
- Design: Homepolish
- Photos: Claire Esparros