A Look Inside ZEO Alliance’s Kiev Office
ZEO Alliance, a technology company that is behind software products and experiences such as Kromtech, ZoomSupport, Essentware and ZEO University, hired interior design & architecture firm Soesthetic Group, to design their new offices in Kiev, Ukraine.
“ZEO Alliance office is an openspace. Different zones introduced as separate cubes or boxes. It is not only the interesting design method, but also the way of soundproofing the space. Every floor has its own basic color and name according to the alphabet: the first floor is A – Allience, the second is B – Believe, the third is C – create and so on. An elevator portals are decorated with metal and glass with built-in screens that translate interesting facts about company: todays birthdays, peer’s success, outside weather and etc. The energy center of the office is Matrix-style reception desk covered with bundles of wires to hide a column. Lots of elements such as door knobs, wardrobe furniture, decoration elements from popular computer games and even gaming analogue of the tree house were made exclusively for this office. According to the SOEsthetic Group philosophy almost all pieces of furniture were made in Ukraine”, says Soesthetic Group
- Location: Kiev, Ukraine
- Date completed: 2017
- Size: 86,000 square feet
- Design: Soesthetic Group, Alex Pedko